Declaration of STRING variables (incl. access)

   name_3, name_4, ..., name_n : STRING[length] := 'initial-value';
(* Additional pieces of data, such as partial addresses, are also possible for the variables - depending on the section. *)
   name_5: ARRAY [x..y] OF STRING[length] := ['initial-value_1', 'initial-value_2', .., 'initial-value_n'];   (* Up to 4 dimensions are possible. *)
   name_1: STRUCT
      name_e1 : STRING[length] := 'initial-value';  (*  Additional pieces of data, such as partial addresses. are also possible for the structure elements. *)

Declaration of one or more variables of →data type STRING (also known as STRING variables or →character string variables) with a maximum length (length), name_3, name_4 etc. must be →IEC-identifiers.
Use the optional →initial value := 'initial-value' to assign a value to the variable (details: see "Initialization of variables in ST").

(info) The length and the initial value may be a →constant expression.

  • Neuron Power Engineer allows STRING variables with a maximum length of up to 32.767 characters.
  • Special characters, such as umlauts, within the initial value or within the value for an assignment must be entered as a three-character combination of the dollar sign ($) followed by two hexadecimal digits. Example: StringVar1 : STRING[10] := '$A3 30.50'; (for the initial value £ 30.50) – see →character string literal, under "Examples for character string literals" for a list of selected special characters.

The declaration of STRING variables is possible within these sections:
(Consult the respective description of the section about possibly additional possibilities for the variable.)


The declaration of the STRING variable is done as:


internal variable (see "Declaration of internal variables in ST")


input variable (see "Declaration of input variables in ST")


output variable (see "Declaration of output variables in ST")


in-out variable (see ""Declaration of in-out variables in ST)


global variable (see "Declaration of external variables in ST")


external variable (see "Declaration of external variables in ST")


temporary variable (see "Declaration of temporary variables in ST")


a→user-defined data type or as an element of it (see "Declaration of a data type in ST")

  var4 : STRING[10];                         (* 'var4' has a maximum length of 10 characters. *)
  OUT4 : STRING[5] := 'ABC';                 (* 'OUT4' has a maximum length of 5 characters and is initialized with character string 'ABC'. *)
   myString : ARRAY [1..3] OF STRING[4] := ['ABC', 2('DEF')];
                                             (* 3 ARRAY elements of data type 'STRING' have a maximum length of 4 characters.               *)
                                             (* initialization of the 1st element with 'ABC', initialization of the other 2 elements with 'DEF'. *)
   RangeString : STRUCT                      (* structure data type with 2 elements *)
    min : STRING[6];                         (* 1st element of data type 'STRING' has a maximum length of 6 characters, no initialization.          *)
    max : STRING[7] := 'ABCD';               (* 2nd element of data type 'STRING' has a maximum length of 7 characters, initialization with 'ABCD'. *)

Accessing the STRING variables

If you want to access single characters of a STRING variable within →assignments, enter the name of the variable (e.g. var4) and the corresponding position of the character (e.g. 2) enclosed in brackets  (e.g. var4[2]). The positions are starting with "1".

Assignments of a STRING variable to another STRING variable with different maximum length is possible. If the STRING variable to which the assignment is executed has a smaller length than the STRING variable from which the assignment is executed, Neuron Power Engineer executes the assignment only until the maximum length of the STRING variable to which the assignment is executed. Moreover, the output ENO of the embracing →POU is additionally set to value FALSE (or an equivalent)

If the character combination '$00' is assigned to a single character of a STRING variable, the character string of the STRING variable is terminated at this position. Such character strings are terminated in case of $00 in the Values of Variables view as well.
However, the complete character string is copied in assignments. This makes it possible to have the Values of Variables view display single characters behind $00, if you access the assigned characters behind $00.

In case of a smaller length of the assigned STRING variable and a character combination '$00' in it, Neuron Power Engineer executes the assignment only until the maximum length of the STRING variable to which the assignment is excecuted. In this case the output ENO of the embracing POU is not set to value FALSE (or an equivalent).

  var4, var5 : STRING[10];    (* 'var4' and 'var5' have a maximum length of 10 characters. *)
  var6 : STRING[5];           (* 'var6' has a maximum length of 5 characters. *)
  Char1 : CHAR;
  OUT4 : STRING[5] := 'ABC';             (* 'OUT4' has a maximum length of 5 characters and is initialized with character string 'ABC'. *)
  OUT5 : STRING[10] := '1234567890';     (* 'OUT5' has a maximum length of 10 characters and is initialized with character string '1234567890'. *)
(* assignments: accessing single characters of a STRING variable *)
Char1       := OUT4[3];     (* The character of the 3rd position of 'OUT4' , i.e. 'C', is assigned to 'Char1'. Result: Char1 := 'C' *) 
OUT4[2]     := 'D';         (* The character 'D' is assigned to the 2nd position of 'OUT4'. Result for 'OUT4' := 'ADC' *) 
var4[1]     := 'A';         (* The character 'A' is assigned to the 1st position of 'var4'. Result for 'var4' := 'A' *)
var4[2]     := OUT4[2];     (* The character 'D' is assigned to the 2nd position of 'var4'. Result for 'var4' := 'AD' *) 
(* assignments: STRING variable to STRING variable *)
var5     := OUT4;           (* OK, because max. length of 'OUT4' = 5 and max. length of 'var5' =  10. Result for 'var5' := 'ADC' and ENO of the embracing POU := TRUE *)
var6     := OUT5;           (* OK, but assignment only to max. length of 'var6', i.e. to the character position '5'. Result for 'var6' := '12345' and ENO of the embracing POU := FALSE *)
(* special case: character strings with $00 *)
  varA, varB : STRING[10] := '1234567890'; (* 'varA' and 'varB' are initialized with character string '1234567890'. *)
  varC, varD : STRING[10];
  varE       : STRING[10] := '1234567890'; (* 'varE' is initialized with character string '1234567890'. *) 
  varF       : STRING[5];
  CharA, CharB : CHAR;
VarA[6] := '$00';  (* Due to these assignments, 'varA' and 'varB' are now terminated at the 6th position. Displayed value in 'Values of Variables' view: '12345' *)
VarB[6] := '$00';
VarE[4] := '$00';  (* Due to this assignment, 'varE' is now terminated at the 4th position. Displayed value in 'Values of Variables' view: '123' *)  
varC := varA;              (* Inspite of $00, the complete character string is copied for 'varC'. Result for 'varC' := '12345$007890' - but displayed value in 'Values of Variables' view: '12345' - and ENO of the embracing POU := TRUE *)
varD := MOVE(IN := varB);  (* Inspite of $00, the complete character string is copied for 'varD'. Result for 'varC' := '12345$007890' - but displayed value in 'Values of Variables' view: '12345' - and ENO of the embracing POU := TRUE *)
varF := varE;              (* Inspite of $00, the complete character string is copied until the max. length of 'varF'. Result for 'varF' := '123$005' - but displayed value in 'Values of Variables' view: '123' - and ENO of the embracing POU := TRUE *)
CharA := varC[8];   (* Result for 'CharA' := '8' - inspite of $00 on the 6th position of 'varC' *)
CharB := varF[5];   (* Result for 'CharB' := '5' - inspite of $00 on the 4th position of 'varF' *)

Declaring and accessing STRING variables of ARRAY data type

If you want to declare a STRING variable that is based on an ARRAY data type, enter the STRING data type with the maximum length as data type when declaring the ARRAY data type.

Example for declaring
    myArray : ARRAY [1..3] OF STRING[4];   (* declaring 3 STRING elements, each element has a maximum length of 4 characters *)

You may access single characters of such variables by means of the following construction:

Example for accessing
  var2 : myArray;
  accessA, accessB : CHAR;        (* variables for the access *)
  accessC : STRING[4];            (* auxiliary variable for the alternate access *)
accessA := var2[1][2];    (* accessing the 2nd character of the 1st ARRAY element *)
(* alternate access *)
accessC := var2[1];       (* accessing the 1st ARRAY element *)
accessB := accessC[2];    (* accessing the 2nd character of the 1st ARRAY element *)